
MONDAY, February 7, 2011

Carl’s Jr. has debuted their new Foot-long Cheeseburger that weighs in at 850 calories, 45 fat grams and a whopping 2490 milligrams of sodium.  These puppies are so salty, the City of Chicago drops them along the Loop to prevent freezing.

A recent study by the National Education Association found that 30% of America’s grammar school students have no knowledge of basic scientific principles.  Half of them identified E=Mc2 as the symbol for two Big Macs.

Owners of the debt-ridden New jersey Devils have placed the team on the auction block.   Blamed for the team’s pile of bills are high player salaries, a drop in attendance and the monthly royalties they have to pay Mel Gibson and Osama bin Laden for use of the name.

A gun-loving member of Utah’s legislature has proposed naming the Browning M1911 the state’s official firearm.  If passed, the assault rifle will join the state’s official singers, Donny and Marie and its official comedian, Roseanne Barr.

Japan’s centuries-old national sport, Sumo Wrestling, has been rocked by scandal.  The cheating was exposed when judges caught one of the portly practitioners wearing a corked diaper.

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THE LAUGH MAKERS: A Leonard Maltin "Top 20" Year End Pick!


DOLORES HOPE "Silver Bells" (with Bob)

BOB HOPE'S 1983 U.S. COLLEGE CAMPUS TOUR: Your Alma Mater Here?

"Having spent twenty years writing for the indefatigable Bob Hope, and traveling all over the world, Bob Mills is well qualified to salute the famous corps of gag men who kept the comedian knee-deep in jokes. These first-hand recollections summon up the final phase of Hope’s career—and the end of the trail for an entire brand of show business."


Even Animals Love "THE YouTube WORLDWIDE NEWS"!

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WakiLeaks: History Declassified 2000 (Vol. One) is now available on Kindle for $2.99

Compiled from Bob's newsletter "Funnyside Up" published in 2000. This is a yuck and chuckle-filled stroll down memory lane to a time before the Bush administration had inflicted its damage -- a time before the search for WMDs and Osama bin Laden. See what we were laughing at back then, who was in the news and who had yet to enter rehab -- which NFL stars had yet to do time in the Gray Bar Hotel.
