
No Stinking Badges!

[] Bush will address the nation on Monday, may send National Guard and reserve forces to US-Mexican border. (Los Angeles Times 5/12)

Breathe easy, Osama Bin Laden. Run for your life Osama Bin Gomez!

Fine print in Bush's Border Plan that probably won't be mentioned in his speech:

1] Taco Bell chihuahua placed in quarantine
2] N.H.L. rules to govern all bullfights
3] Paul Rodriguez placed under 24 hour surveillance
4] Chickens at El Pollo Loco must be okayed by KFC
5] Cheech and Chong expelled from S.A.G.

[] Cheney is given Congress's Distinguished Service Medal for "extraordinary distinction and selfless dedication." (USA Today 5/11)

And for going a whole month without shooting anybody.

[] Mary Cheney told Larry King "I fully support the Bush administration's position on gay rights." (Cable News Network 5/10)

To which Larry replied "I know Chastity Bono and you're no Chastity Bono."

[] Santa Fe's $9.50 per hour is the nation's highest state-mandated minimum wage. (USA Today 5/10)

Of course, $3.50 of it is in the form of hand-made turquoise jewelry.

[] With a national debt of $8 trillion, the U.S. owes the most to Japan and China in that order. (CBS News 5/10)

Hey, let's celebrate with dinner at Benihana of Beijing.

[] Identity theft is being called "the most threatening new crime of the decade." (CBS News 5/10)

On the other side of the coin, Connie Chung has Maury Povich's identity up for auction on e-Bay.

[] British Columbia police have charged three 13-year old boys with robbing seven banks. (USA Today 5/11)

The lads were handcuffed and led from their 7th grade home room at Vancouver's Butch and Sundance Junior High.

[] Budgets strained to the breaking point, the National Park Service has raised fees for admission to their facilities. (USA Today 5/13)

Even more disappointing to out-of-doors enthusiasts, A.T.V.ers are allowed to wipe out only two endangered species per season.

[] Cryptologists at the NSA shred 40,000 pounds of documents per day. (USA Today 5/12)

Mostly from unsuccessful attempts to figure out what's happening on "Lost."

[] "No Salvaging this Cliche-ridden Remake----Poseidon Will Have You Rooting for the Big Wave," headlines USA Today. (USA Today 5/12)

Plans for Warner Bros. highly-touted sequel "Midnight Buffet" have been scrapped.

[] Bush warns that armed militias that terriorize local citizens and take the law into their own hands pose a grave threat to America. (Los Angeles Times 5/12)

And the ones in Iraq aren't much better.

[] General Motors will discontinue production of the $130,000 H1 Hummer. (Associated Press 5/13)

They may produce a limited edition model called "The Schwarzenegger."

[] LifeGem will create three diamonds from strands of Beethoven's hair. (Associated Press 5/13)

The company is mum on future projects but has insurred Don King's head for $10 million.

[] Rap group D-12 will complete work on their current album despite the murder of band member Proof as soon as fellow band member Swift is released from jail on parole violations, according to the band's leader, Kon Artis. (Associated Press 5/13)

The much-anticipated album includes "Zippidy Do Dah," "When You Wish Upon a Star" and "It's a Wonderful World."

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Compiled from Bob's newsletter "Funnyside Up" published in 2000. This is a yuck and chuckle-filled stroll down memory lane to a time before the Bush administration had inflicted its damage -- a time before the search for WMDs and Osama bin Laden. See what we were laughing at back then, who was in the news and who had yet to enter rehab -- which NFL stars had yet to do time in the Gray Bar Hotel.
