
FRI, SAT, SUN, January 28, 29, 30, 2011

New York’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg has proposed that street vendors be held to the same sanitation standards as restaurants.  He’s right.  Diners should be able to rest assured that food cart E.coli is as virulent as that found at the popular fast food chains.

Despite rumors to the contrary, close friends say that Charlie Sheen may marry his porn star girlfriend, Bree Olsen.   Among the telltale signs -- they’re registered at “Bed, Bath and STD Screening.”

According to a study by the University of Minnesota, almost 10% of Super Bowl fans will leave the stadium legally too drunk to drive.  And it gets worse.  Out-of-towners will board a plane piloted by someone in the same condition.

Archeologists were astounded to find bones which they believe belonged to the earth’s first domesticated dog which lived almost 10,000 years ago.  Even more astounding was the first fire hydrant found nearby.

According to records of the American Bar Association, the nation’s lawyer population dropped last year by 15%.   Which is great news for vacationers.  The surf will be 15% safer to swim in next summer.

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THE LAUGH MAKERS: A Leonard Maltin "Top 20" Year End Pick!


DOLORES HOPE "Silver Bells" (with Bob)

BOB HOPE'S 1983 U.S. COLLEGE CAMPUS TOUR: Your Alma Mater Here?

"Having spent twenty years writing for the indefatigable Bob Hope, and traveling all over the world, Bob Mills is well qualified to salute the famous corps of gag men who kept the comedian knee-deep in jokes. These first-hand recollections summon up the final phase of Hope’s career—and the end of the trail for an entire brand of show business."


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WakiLeaks: History Declassified 2000 (Vol. One) is now available on Kindle for $2.99

Compiled from Bob's newsletter "Funnyside Up" published in 2000. This is a yuck and chuckle-filled stroll down memory lane to a time before the Bush administration had inflicted its damage -- a time before the search for WMDs and Osama bin Laden. See what we were laughing at back then, who was in the news and who had yet to enter rehab -- which NFL stars had yet to do time in the Gray Bar Hotel.
