
TUESDAY, October 5, 2010

A man was found guilty by a Malaysian court of attempting to smuggle several endangered boa constrictors out of the country.  Flight attendants became suspicious when he kept asking if any menu items in Tourist included live rats.

Delaware Sen. Candidate Christine O’Donnell may have political ambitions far beyond the U.S. Senate.  This week, asked about her future plans, she told reporters, “I dream of someday winning the Oval Office and traveling the world on Broom One.”

An over-eager visitor to a Dodge City, Kansas Wild West theme park almost died after “testing” a noose used to hang cattle rustlers.  In keeping with the cowboy theme, paramedics defibrilated his heart using two hot branding irons.

Southwest has purchased Air Tran in a merger they promise will improve service.  It will use the planes formerly owned by Air Tran to ferry passengers back to their original destination after Southwest pilots overshoot the runway.

The AMA has a new website designed to help Americans suffering  mental breakdowns during the recession.  Their first advice usually is “Remove the Uncle Sam costume, the racist face paint and the tea bags hanging from your hat.”

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THE LAUGH MAKERS: A Leonard Maltin "Top 20" Year End Pick!


DOLORES HOPE "Silver Bells" (with Bob)

BOB HOPE'S 1983 U.S. COLLEGE CAMPUS TOUR: Your Alma Mater Here?

"Having spent twenty years writing for the indefatigable Bob Hope, and traveling all over the world, Bob Mills is well qualified to salute the famous corps of gag men who kept the comedian knee-deep in jokes. These first-hand recollections summon up the final phase of Hope’s career—and the end of the trail for an entire brand of show business."


Even Animals Love "THE YouTube WORLDWIDE NEWS"!

THE LAUGH MAKERS is now on KINDLE! (And Kindle equipped devices)

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WakiLeaks: History Declassified 2000 (Vol. One) is now available on Kindle for $2.99

Compiled from Bob's newsletter "Funnyside Up" published in 2000. This is a yuck and chuckle-filled stroll down memory lane to a time before the Bush administration had inflicted its damage -- a time before the search for WMDs and Osama bin Laden. See what we were laughing at back then, who was in the news and who had yet to enter rehab -- which NFL stars had yet to do time in the Gray Bar Hotel.
